Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cross Dressers are the bomb!

So I get asked sometimes if I like cross dressers. The answer is yes, if they're hot. Well that, my friends, is for the whole eye of the beholder deal, right? But I can't say I have a type other than pretty. I like pretty boys, pretty girls, pretty boys who look like girls, pretty girls who sometimes look like boys, I like all kinds of things! But I'm not bisexual all the way through. I'm what I call, the visual bisexual. I don't care which sex you are as long as you're hot.
That doesn't mean I'll go to bed with you. It means I'll drool over you.

Just yesterday my boyfriend said something to me and I didn't hear a word because some pretty chick walked by so I had to apologise and ask him to say it again. Now I can't remember what he said but I remember the pretty chick's face. sad, I know... Sorry Chris, if you read this... not that you're not that important, it's just that well... she was pretty...and you're always around... (*mental note to buy flowers and reeses peanut butter eggs to get myself out of the dog house because no matter what I'm saying it still sound so wrong...!)

But going back to Cross Dressers... the reason I like them is because some out there are so f ing HOT as women it's ridiculous! And I do like my surprises... Not all of them, some surprises are bad... like finding out your husband was a cheater... (fortunately, don't have to worry about that right now.)

But thinking you're talking to a hot chick and then find out that under those panties is a little extra spice? Well, that's exciting for a girl like me... A girl who's a bit of a nut... I'm rare, I understand... most people (men and women) think CD's are strange aliens who have the plague or something...

But if you're a freak, as I am, or always felt I was, being among CD's is not a big deal. I relish in the differences. I love gay men. They're usually very pretty. I've been told I AM a gay man. I haven't resisted the label. I have drooled and fallen in love with many a gay men...more than I care to speak maybe the whole CD thing is just me, getting my gay men fix, but with a possibility for something extra. Although I admit, many a CD are also gay men... Some go into being TG's (transgenders.) I was in love, for a while, with the idea of she males...but well they're just halfway TG's and all I've known are gay men anyway...or straight women, depending on how you want to look at it. I have yet to meet a she male who wants to be with a girl...I'm sure I'll run into one eventually. Nothing's impossible anymore. The dude from the Disney's Alice in Wonderland was absolutely right. So I won't say anything anymore.

Another reason for liking cross dressers is they can wear all the sh I can't. frilly dresses, pretty lingerie, hot as hell heels, all that jazz... I'm a tomboy. I can't look good in any of that stuff and heels hurt and I'm a woos for that kind of pain. So I figure, I can still go shopping but I don't have to wear it.

But do I NEED my guy to be cross dresser? No, of course not. It makes life interesting but by no means is it necessary. So don't worry, Chris, you aren't going to be asked to be cross dresser. I wonder if that makes up for the distracted moment? I somehow don't think so...

Anyway there you go, that's the long answer to this simple question. I like freaks. All kinds of freaks. I may think some are stranger than others but I feel at home. When you run around with freaks, you have more fun.

Nothing worse than an uptight too serious guy to kill your mood...

And I guess that answers the other question... my guy's not a freak, exactly, he's funny as hell and goofy... We're dorks, we're nerds, and we're too strange to be normal for anyone...and that's OK. That's why we like each other...Maybe I'm wrong... maybe he IS a freak, but a mild one... either which way, I love that about him. It's true what they say, a guy that makes a girl laugh is hers forever. :) And it's also true that a way to a man's heart is through her stomach... yes, her... because remember, I'm a gay man too... ;)

I'm not transgendering anytime soon... I like my girl parts... I like my gay man parts (the brain) so I'm not changing anything there. I wanted to explain myself to the world because it's 2AM and I had to speak. I should sleep...tomorrow is another day for a different blog.

Enjoy the silence...never let me down...precious. (all Depeche Mode songs that fit.)

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